Trezor Suite (Official) | Crypto Management

Trezor Suite (Official) | Crypto Management


Trezor Suite is best experienced as a desktop app. An all-new desktop app for Trezor hardware wallets, Trezor Suite, is now in public beta and available to download and test. Trezor Suite brings big improvements across our three key pillars of usability, security and privacy.

Trezor Suite is now officially available for all Trezor users! After many rounds of closed and public beta updates, a production version of the app is ready to download to your desktop or use in your browser. Trezor Suite takes the place of the Trezor Wallet web app as the main interface for your Trezor hardware wallet, bringing heightened security, usability and privacy to cryptocurrencies. There’s a lot packed into Suite, so it takes more than a single blog to unwrap everything. Over the last few weeks, we’ve rounded up some of the most important features related to Usability, Privacy and Security on Trezor Blog. Have a read through each below and switch to Suite today.



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